What a week it has been.
Every week is a different challenge, every week changes. People come and go from my “office”.
People dump and run, they cry, they vent, they share, they get frustrated, they get angry, they contemplate.
This space, my “office” is a safe space. A space for sharing a part of yourself, a space for feeling comfortable, not judged, not threatened, a space you can let it all out and be comfortably you. Authentically you. My role as a coach has changed. I have changed. I have become a better coach and person because of you, my clients. You have taught me things about myself i never even knew existed. You have taught me that im a little weird and thats perfectly ok.
In turn I hope that i have taught you that life is unpredictable, life is precious, you matter, you deserve self care, love, compassion and you have something to contribute to this world. You are allowed to feel all the feels good and bad without judgement and Perfection is a scam.
All of the above and more goes on in my tiny piece of the world, in the guise of a movement, fitness and female coaching business. Pretty freaking amazing. Thank you for showing up, being authentic and sharing all of your amazing lives with me. Rachelle x