Inside the mind of a PT
This is me, all 67kg of me. I took these pictures to let you know I too have body image issues. What do I see in those pictures? I see a tummy that isn’t flat, I see arms that are not toned enough, I see quads that are too big and covered in cellulite and a bottom that sticks out too much. I also think I need to lose weight, build more muscle and get fitter. BUT I am slowly trying to change this mindset.
My body does so much for me on a daily basis. It is strong, fit and can do things that sometimes astounds me. As most of you know I have struggled with body image all of my life. Until 12 years ago I absolutely hated myself. I thought I was fat, ugly, disgusting and felt ashamed. My self esteem was non existent; I thought I was not worthy. All of that has slowly reduced over the years and now as I enter a new phase of my life and identify the triggers thathave caused my anxiety I can see that I am overly starving myself, worrying about how I look and stressing out if I miss a workout. All of that anxious energy and endless worry takes me away from the things that matter most in my life; my family, our health and happiness. So, from me to you, let it go. Let go of all that anxiety. Eat to fuel your body and fill it with goodness and exercise to keep your body healthy and fit. Most of all, do all of this to keep you HAPPY and living life the way YOU want to live it. x