A few of my gorgeous, amazing and awesome ‪#‎meeptfitties‬ clients progression pictures!! Look at how far they have all come. Each woman has her own unique story to tell, struggles, triumphs and battles. Each woman has her own unique goal. I am so proud of everyone one of them as well as my other clients who are not represented here. Look out for more pictures like these and lets celebrate our triumphs and being a strong woman!!



Anna has a goal to build more upper body strength and she is doing just that!
Sherri is currently training to out strengthen her injuries and she is building some serious muscle at the same time!
Sherri is currently training to out strengthen her injuries and she is building some serious muscle at the same time!
Layla is currently training for her first triathlon! She is going to smash it!!
Layla is currently training for her first triathlon! She is going to smash it!!
Jess is a busy mum of 3 who also works night shift. She has not let any of that stand in her way of reaching strength and fitness goals!
Jess is a busy mum of 3 who also works night shift. She has not let any of that stand in her way of reaching strength and fitness goals!
Ms A is a busy mum who works and studies full time and is working on building her fitness up. Each week she shows more strength and endurance!
Ms A is a busy mum who works and studies full time and is working on building her fitness up. Each week she shows more strength and endurance!
Becky is currently working on increasing her weights and it is certainly showing in her strength!
Becky is currently working on increasing her weights and it is certainly showing in her strength!
Cass worked hard towards her goals for the big wedding day and is now currently working on furthering her strength and fitness. We can see it working!!
Cass worked hard towards her goals for the big wedding day and is now currently working on furthering her strength and fitness. We can see it working!!
This lady has been with MEE for 2months. When she first came to me she had done an amazing job of starting her fitness/health journey and decided she needed some extra guidance and motivation. Miss Anon was very excited to tell me that yesterday she hit a big milestone goal of losing 15kg!! She has also gained so much more in that her fitness and strength has picked up enormously and she is doing things that she would not dream of doing before! Miss Anon holds a shift work job which is taxing at the best of times but she does not let this stop her from coming to her training sessions and getting out there and moving her body when she can. Congratulations Miss Anon on achieving one of your goals!
This lady has been with MEE for 2months. When she first came to me she had done an amazing job of starting her fitness/health journey and decided she needed some extra guidance and motivation. Miss Anon was very excited to tell me that yesterday she hit a big milestone goal of losing 15kg!! She has also gained so much more in that her fitness and strength has picked up enormously and she is doing things that she would not dream of doing before! Miss Anon holds a shift work job which is taxing at the best of times but she does not let this stop her from coming to her training sessions and getting out there and moving her body when she can. Congratulations Miss Anon on achieving one of your goals!
MEE - Ms Anon
Another Miss Anon who is working on losing centimetres and getting stronger!

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