This girl
This is the same girl, 16years difference but the same body and mind
The girl 16yr ago did not know how strong or capable she was
The girl hated having her picture taken
The girl spoke negatively of her self image
The girl used food to dull her thoughts
The girl was often sad
The girl felt sore everyday
The girl was in the grips of post natal depression but had no clue
The girl is the same beautiful, caring, compassionate and friendly girl as on the right.
The girl right now started a journey of self discovery 13 years ago
The girl decided she had to make some changes to her lifestyle
The girl did not always make the correct choices in her pursuit
The girl tried many different things, many different ways
The girl came up against a lot of obstacles
The girl found out a lot about herself, good and not so good
The girl is strong and fit
The girl gives herself compassion
Both the 16yr ago and the now girl are exactly the same girl.
This girl never considered giving up
This girl went through a lot of self discovery
This girl fought hard
This girl has changed on the outside but more on the inside that anyone would ever know
This girl is worth every second of that time and effort
This girl is the same girl in every way she just decided she was worth it
YOU are worth it.